In addition, the contract fraud in criminal law, should be interpreted from an open perspective, which means that both oral and written contracts will constitute the crime of contract fraud. 应该对合同诈骗罪之合同形式作开放性解释,不仅书面合同可以构成本罪,而且口头合同和其他形式的合同也可以构成本罪。
Though article 196~ ( th) in the penal code ( 1997) provides an effective regulation on the crime of credit card fraud, there are still many controversies in criminal law academics. 我国1997年刑法典第196条规定的信用卡诈骗罪对信用卡诈骗犯罪进行了有效的规制,但刑法学界对此罪的诸多方面仍存在争议。
Compared the provision of accomplice with general provisions, the provision concerning the accomplice of insurance fraud crime in China's Criminal Law is a specific provision. 刑法条文关于保险诈骗共犯的规定属于特别规定。
The Congress had to put emphasis on it, the crime of credit card fraud is made in 97's code of criminal law 196 article. 立法机关不得不将其纳入自己的视野。97年刑法修订时将信用卡诈骗罪以196条的形式确立下来。
About the design for the crime facts and statutory punishment, we can consult the related regulations concerning financial fraud crimes in the present criminal law. 罪状与法定刑的设计则可以参照现行刑法对金融诈骗罪的相关规定。
Fraud is a blot on intent indication in traditional contract law. In the information society, as an action misleading the public, fraud is a typical act of unfair competition. 欺诈在合同法中是一种意思瑕疵,在信息社会里,欺诈作为误导公众的行为,是一种典型的不正当竞争行为。
On The Fraud Of Conditions Constituting Crime Of Piracy In International Law 论国际法上海盗罪构成条件之弊端
The contract of crime of contract fraud includes not only economic contract but also civil contract, But isn't all styles of contracts stipulated in Law Of Contract Of The people's Republic Of China. 不仅包括经济合同,而且包括其他民事合同,但又不是《合同法》中的所有合同类型;
Fraud In Law of Contract 合同法上的诈欺
Crime of contract fraud is one new kind of accusations which are stipulated in Criminal Law revised in 1997. To research crime of contract fraud has important significance in both theory and reality. 合同诈骗罪是1997年刑法规定的一新罪名。研究合同诈骗罪,具有重要的理论和现实意义。
The three aspects includes: the fraud of third person should be set clearly in the part of law behavior in the civil law; 就我国学者的民法典草案意见稿而言,在未来民法典中应该从三个方面完善第三人欺诈立法:在民法典总则法律行为部分对第三人欺诈作出明确规定;
Studies on the Act of Litigation Fraud in the view of Criminal Law 刑事法视野中的诉讼欺诈行为研究
The existing Criminal Code adopt and improve the provisions relating to financial fraud in this decision and put it into a class of Financial Fraud Criminal Law placed first in Section Five, Chapter Three. 现行刑法典采纳、完善了上述决定中有关集资诈骗的规定,并将此罪纳入金融诈骗罪一类置于刑法分则第三章第五节之首。
The current legislation provisions the crime of contract fraud in the specific provisions of criminal law the third chapter the destruction socialist market economy order crime, the crime form bound and economic trade form inseparable, value must comply with the order of the market economy needs. 现行立法将合同诈骗罪规定在刑法分则第三章破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪中,其犯罪形式必然与经济交易形式分不开,所体现的价值必然符合市场经济秩序的需要。
Form nowadays though there are only eight fraud crimes in current Chinese criminal law, a lot of disputes and different opinions are still existed in the criminal academia. 我国现行金融诈骗罪名虽然只有八个,但刑法理论对诸多问题还存在争议,认识不统一。
Research on the Crime of Insurance Fraud is the subject that has great practical significance both in the field of the Criminal Law and Criminology. 对于保险诈骗犯罪的研究是当前刑法学、犯罪学领域中极具现实意义的课题。
Contrast the extraterritorial mainland and the common law to punish fund raising commit fraud in the law, China retains the death penalty for the crime of slightly tilting heavy. 对比域外大陆法系及英美法系惩治集资诈骗犯罪行为的法律规定,我国保留本罪的死刑略显倾重。
Regardless of drug trafficking, smuggling, fraud or other organized crime, through money-laundering to conceal the true source of criminal income in order to evade the law. 不管是贩毒、走私、诈骗还是其他有组织犯罪,都要通过洗钱活动来隐瞒其犯罪收入的真实来源以逃避法律的制裁。
The crime of fraud has long been included in the scope of criminal law, and is still frequent in real life. 诈骗犯罪较早地被纳入刑法规制范围,在现实生活中仍然经常发生。
This section summarizes the establishment of Loan Fraud in Chinese Criminal Law and the provisions of Loan Fraud in Criminal Law. 该部分总结了我国刑法设立贷款诈骗罪的经过以及我国刑法中对贷款诈骗罪的规定。
According to the principle of legality, litigation fraud should be added in the criminal law from the legislation purpose. 从立法角度考虑,按照罪刑法定原则,在刑法中应增设诉讼欺诈罪。
Litigation fraud has obvious characteristics, form varied, but because in our country criminal law the absence of corresponding provisions, make this kind of behavior is difficult to get due sanctions. 诉讼欺诈行为具有比较明显的特征,表现形式多种多样,但由于由于我国刑法中没有相应的规定,使得该类行为很难得到应有的制裁。
Internet fraud crime is not one of the concrete accusations in the criminal law but a general name of all kinds of fraud crime implemented on the Internet. 网络诈骗犯罪不是刑法规定的某种具体罪名,而是从刑法理论上对利用网络实施的各种诈骗犯罪的总称。
This article intends to discuss the crime of fraud in financing difficult problems, from the criminal law theory and judicial practice problem level to be explored, in order to solve the problems related to the parapet benefits. 本文拟就集资诈骗罪的疑难问题,从刑法理论和司法实践问题层面加以探讨,以期对相关问题的解决有所陴益。
The only way to solve the contradiction is creat a new charge named "crime of fraud litigation" in Criminal Law II of Chapter VI of the crime of obstruction of justice. 解决实然和应然矛盾的唯一途径就是在刑法分则第六章第二节妨害司法罪中设立诉讼骗财罪。
Fraud is an old and common crime and is one kind of crime of encroachment upon property. Fraud occupies an important position in the theories of criminal law. 诈骗罪是古老而又常见的侵犯财产罪中的一个具体罪名,又是欺诈类犯罪的一个具体罪名,在我国刑法分则中占有重要地位。
Therefore, studying issues of related to fraud is important in the criminal law theory and practice. 因此,研究诈骗罪的相关问题,在刑法理论和实务中具有重要意义。
I believe that the occurrence of areas of litigation fraud in the criminal law perspective should be limited to civil litigation, acts subjective to the illegal possession of property of others for the purpose of which is of course, reflects the Criminal Law Modesty. 笔者认为刑法视野中的诉讼欺诈其发生领域应限定于民事诉讼,行为人主观上应以非法占有他人财产为目的,这是刑法谦抑性的当然体现。
In our country, legal regulation on price fraud behavior mainly in civil and administrative law, Economic Law, Criminal Regulation on price fraud behavior have yet to strengthen and improve. 但我国对于价格欺诈的法律规制主要体现在民法和行政法方面,对价格欺诈行为的经济法、刑法规制还有待加强和完善。
Fund-raising fraud is not just the law of the existing entities in the level of the Perfecting of Criminal Law is a subject emerging issues, in particular the implementation of the implementation process at all levels of courts is now the core issue in practice. 集资诈骗罪不仅仅是对现有实体法的研究,在整个刑法完善层面也是一科新兴的课题,特别是审判执行程序的实施如今正是各级法院工作实践中的核心问题。